Join us for a special, online event focusing on the distinct health and fitness needs of female veterans.
Rejoignez-nous pour un événement, en ligne axé sur les besoins distincts en matière de santé et de forme physique des femmes vétérans.
Meet the Guest Speakers:
I’m a nurse practitioner, intermittent fasting and nutrition expert, and a two-time TEDx speaker. I am passionate about helping women find wellness through the healing power of nutrition and fasting. I believe it is possible to feel better tomorrow than you do today and want to equip you to experience that freedom!
Jenna is a U.S. Navy veteran. In 2020, while job searching, Navy Veteran Jenna became active in the online veteran community and started a support group for younger veterans and transitioning service members called, The Millennial Veterans.
The group offers resources, shared experiences, and a lot of laughs through online interactions making veterans feel less isolated and normalizing the hardships of becoming a civilian again.
Janae is a mom, wife, philanthropist, fashion entrepreneur, social media motivator and veteran.
By embracing the victor mindset Janae became the hero she always needed. She also uses her large social media influence to provide necessities to the homeless in her community.
Her non-profit, The Pink Berets, re-inspires the motivation, willingness, and courage for veteran women to excel to their best selves so they can continue to live the life they were authentically meant to lead.
[Présentation en français]
Audrée is the head coach of the A.T.H.E.N.A. Program, Athletic therapist and member of the Canadian Armed Forces.
She now is focusing her work on getting people to their full potential through globally assessing body mechanics and weaknesses with athletic therapy.
[Présentation en français]
Arianne est titulaire d'une maîtrise en cinétique humaine avec une concentration en intervention et consultation pour combler le fossé entre l'entraînement physique et mental. Elle est fière d'être membre de l'Association canadienne de psychologie du sport en tant que consultante en performance mentale.
Elle aide les individus à développer leur conscience de soi et à acquérir des compétences cognitives essentielles transférables à la vie quotidienne, améliorant ainsi leur qualité de vie globale. Grâce à une approche holistique et centrée sur le client
Skylar is a registered holistic nutritionist and a military spouse. She became a nutritionist after seeing firsthand how the Army was affecting her husband’s health and wanted to make sure he was keeping healthy at home to provide a better work-life balance.
A large portion of her clients are military members and spouses that are wanting to improve their health and well-being through nutrition, stress management, and lifestyle changes.